Travel Opportunities at Machebeuf

Bishop Machebeuf High School > Blog > Travel Opportunities at Machebeuf

At Bishop Machebeuf High School, we believe that education goes beyond the school’s walls. That is why we offer travel opportunities for our students to grow and learn even deeper. Providing multiple trips with different purposes allows Machebeuf students to encounter God in the world in many ways. Let’s examine three students’ travel opportunities while attending Machebeuf and how they work.

Washington, D.C.

The March for Life is one trip that showcases our values as a Catholic high school. This trip allows students to put their faith into action by spreading the Pro-Life message and participating in the Pro-Life Movement. Beyond this trip’s mission, students can also enjoy sightseeing in our nation’s capital, as they will get to visit the National Mall, the John Paul II Shrine, the National Basilica, and more.


We also offer our students a Spring Break trip to Northern Spain. Students will experience the beauty of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, among many other cities and places of interest. This trip allows them to share and immerse themselves in a new culture while practicing the language skills they’ve been developing in the classroom in a real-world environment. Students will learn history that ties into both their language and Humanities classes. The Spain trip provides students with an excellent opportunity to enjoy art and beauty, new food, historical sights, and new people while experiencing the universality of the Church.

Backpacking Trip

The backpacking trip provides students an excellent opportunity to have a radical encounter with Christ and challenge themselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Over ten days, students will explore the Wyoming backcountry, praying, cooking meals, and working together on strenuous hikes. This excursion is a fantastic way to encourage growth in our students in many ways.

How Are These Trips Funded?

The March for Life trip has the most fundraising efforts. Donations are accepted online and people are able to donate or sponsor the March for Life trip in some way. Students going on the trip also participate in bake sales at school and may speak with different parishes on the weekend to help with their fundraising. Students and families are responsible for paying for the Spain trip, and they may fundraise individually. Different fundraising events have been held throughout the year for students going on the Spain trip to build community and help support the trip.

We are proud to offer our students plenty of opportunities to further their education and grow in their faith. We believe these trips will help them recognize God’s presence everywhere and bring their faith to all places. In addition, students can learn more about themselves, their vocation, and how to live the life God is calling them to. More than 40% of our student body participates in at least one of these trips.

We hope to see you on the next trip!